How To Get Your Life Back In Order 2022 | Focus on What You Can Control | Episode 63

I was out cold one evening. My body was shivering. I was thinking that I am strong enough, yet, it is the opposite way. My shivering body started taking more of my body energy. I was going out of breadth. I needed a doctor! I was only one step away from my phone. Yet it felt like half-court distance. I went to the floor, somehow managed to get myself to the phone, and hit call, I did call--> the coach. Coach came in with the doctor and he checked me.

writing and journaling on dear passion
At midnight, the coach called to check up on me. I was okay and the result- was Dengu. I said- okay! Kept the phone. Now I am pissed. I mean, really pissed. I was frustrated to the point where the only thing I had was basketball which I would not tear up. Yet I kept my calm and collected. I took out my book and wrote down everything that I felt. From my anger, rage, frustration, and sadness, and finally came to the fact that: Alright. I am done being a baby. I need to get this back on track. So I wrote:

How can I get back on track?

Can I control Dengu?

How to speed up my recovery?

What is the action step that I can take?

All questions- were popping up again.

5 days later- I was playing the game.

Life Lesson: Focus on what you can control.

Episode 63 in 15 seconds:
