Dear Passion Episode 27

 That night I came home and had a talk with my guys on phone. We talked from every angle- going into the game, knowing how to ask for money from parents. The talk came to an end after 1 hour 30 mins and it was decided that we would go to ask for money from our parents. All I needed was 90 Rs because I saved my money as I saw it coming before. So I went to my dad since I knew he is the man I can my " Yes " (for the game)from, so I went to him and this is at 11 pm so my dad has almost gone to sleep.

dear passion 100 rupee note episode 27
I woke him up and I need 100 Rs ( even though I only needed 90 Rs, I got 10 extra in case anyone or anything comes up ). And I explained to him everything about the game, tournament and my mom was there too. I knew I would get money, just didn't know it would come from mom. The next morning, as usual, went to practice at 5 am, drills and shooting till 06:30 am and Coach came in and gave us the forms. We filled them and the coach gave us the fixtures of the game. The first was against " The Hoopers " which was a road game- meaning the game was at their home court. The league had 15 teams both away and home court matches and as he said 3 days gap and the game would start at 10 AM. I took a copy of the fixtures and gave everyone and told them to stick it at their home.

The practice started and we knew nothing about their game- what game they played, how they played, team advantage, what offense to defense we should run, absolutely nothing. Coach came and said tomorrow is the first game be ready. He already knew what was going to do, so he was very hands-off and only came in when we had no other option. I gathered the boys and asked them do they know anything and we came up empty-handed. So I said tomorrow let's play to our strengths- Austin layup, Steph under the hoop, George and I will run the counter and turnover. We did that for 1 hour and I gathered  " Okay, guys we are sweating and tired ", Austin thought it was time to go home and I said " Austin  " Let's do 3 vs 3, I will do the defense and anyone can join me then we will interchange. "

Time was ticking and we ran multiple defense systems watched multiple videos and improvised nothing was working. Day ended and we went home had gone night rest and woke up and I said " I am going to learn today. "

Everyone came out and went to warm up before the game with drills and I stared towards their court. Their court was a massive, bigger, audience and held the record for 13 summer league titles. The hoopers, I thought and this year I am the title home.

48 days remain to the league title and the game starts now.

Life lesson- Even when you know nothing, get up and show up to play.

Here's a quick recap of Episode 27 under 15 seconds-
