Change Your Attitude And Take Control Of Life | Dear Passion Episode 61

The next match came along. I was playing with all my might. I was on the verge of a triple-double. On the next play, we had a turnover, and I had to run back. While blocking the shot, I fall down. I didn't recognize it back then, as I was playing my ankle swelled up. I couldn't even put myself into the boot. It was the deciding match for us. Win or Go home. Otherwise, we need to play 8 games back to back to back and win all of them with 20+ points. And here I was, sitting on the bench doing nothing.

We Lost!

boxing practice on dear passion

Next match first half we were doing great. We were up by 22 points until the timeout arrived. We lost our flow and dropped to 12 points down. I couldn't sit and watch it. I went to the dressing room, got my doc told him, " Listen, I need to play for the next 20 mins. I don't want to hear any if and buts. Prepare me now. " The doc went to the coach, they both had a discussion, and I could listen to only one thing- We need him!

It took about 15 mins for doc to prepare me, tape me and before leaving he told, " This will cause a serious injury, if you fall on it ". I just walked away. I went in. We went from 12 points down to 36 point victory.

For next 8 games, 40+ points was on the game. Nothing could distract me. Not even her. I was taken away for 6 matches. I was desperate to prove myself.


Life Lesson: Change your life. Be the Aggressor.

Episode 61 in 15 seconds: 
