Learning Is Just Half Way To Success... Other Half Is Application | Dear Passion Episode 46

I was uncertain on what to do! Early morning, I was on court with Cole. I asked him, " What am I doing that you think is wrong?" He gave me the same thing that I got yesterday. I did not even understand what they were telling because I was thinking about why are they telling me all these things. Austin said, " I am taking too much and not allowing others to play. " Steph said the opposite that I am being too easy on them and this continues we won't be able to win the championship.

Cole russell play basketball in dear passion episode 46

I was getting now where by asking all my team mates. Each of them said something else. However I did take notes after talking to everyone. Because I knew I cannot remember everything they say. During the school I asked everyone who I knew and who knew what I was doing in my game. I noticed one thing- No one saw what we did they only saw we lost the matches. I was still unclear on what I have to do, so I just went to practice for the match.

Throw boxers was a defensive team and they ran 2 man defence on the ball. So went to YouTube and searched for how to play against 2 man defence.

38 days for the title. 1 day for the match.

Life Lesson- Not practicing what you have learnt is equal to Not learning at all.

Summary of episode 46 in 30 seconds
