Dear Passion Episode 32

Morning came up and I went to the gym there was no team, just me and Cole I went to the gym there was no team, just me and cole. I opened up my notes and started to practice 1 on 1, the post-game, the jumper and I saw the team coming to the gym. I never took off, I knew Range Shooters cant get down due to their height and even if they do, I can make a crossover and pull up and get the easy bucket. The team was warming up and I was still going on. The coach came in and gave us an offensive formation. 

dear passion episode 32 game plan

He explained it to us- the average height of Range shooters is 6 feet 5 inches which means if they get down they are not going up. So Steph would be under the basket, Cole will be there to take the 15 footers, ( I was thinking " Why not me? " ) Russel- you will run baseline and take the alley-op from Austin. In my mind, I was thinking like this going to take a lot of stamina and I knew I would be tired within 3 plays. 

I said coach I have a question, if we do this, won't they block my way to the rim?

Coach: " At that point Austin, you need to put the ball to Cole, he must take the shot as the shot clock will expire "

George: " Where am I in all of this? "

Coach: " You are the player they won't see coming. When Austin, Steph, Russel, and Cole have taken up the court all they are going to see is them. All you need to do is when the ball comes to you, pass it to the right player or make your shot. For that, you need to keep finding open spaces on every play. "

And we went ahead with the practice we did this, I ran, Cole hit the jumper, Steph stayed right under the basket and George was keeping himself open while giving passes along with making the shots. I knew deep down in my heart, I was not going to cut it because my stamina was low. When the practice was over I wrote everything in my notes and went home.

48 days for the title.

Life Lesson: Shut Up & Listen!

Here's a quick recap of Episode 32 under 15 seconds
