Dear Passion Episode 19

Waking at the alarm, it was already past 06:45 am and the school starts at 7 am. I was enjoying this new process, however, I did know it was going to take time to build into me.  In a hurry, I ate breakfast came to school and was 10 minutes late for the first time and I couldn't understand what was happening. I was exhausted yet I had the energy to play ball. This new routine was something that I thought would make me better.

At the lunch, I went to the only place that I can be alone at the court. I sat down there and thought what am I doing? What is going on with me?- And sat there for a while. Suddenly Matt saw me and called me out and all of my thinking and lone time disappeared. Then ahead with Matt and rest everything, inside of me there was a peaceful sense of being "still" as I felt everything was happening around me in slow motion. Helping others pushed me to get better first.

Cole was the first one to get angry it was going the right way, Austin was unable to understand what was happening as things were moving very fast- the explanations and topics were covered quickly. What I found was that there are different types of people and everyone is a different kind of person and everyone has their own learning style and curve. When I found that I found it to be interesting and challenging because now I have to learn what works for them and what does not work for them and use it for them. 

And doing this, the day finished and I was back at my home with 

8 days for the exam and 63 days for the league and surprisingly enough I thought of drawing and started drawing.

Life Lesson: Different people, different life.

Here's a quick recap of Episode 19 under 15 seconds-
