Dear Passion Episode 17

dear passion writing
Now at school, the assignment was given. We were first angry at school for providing the assignments right before the exams. Then we just got control over ourselves and thought that it is not going to help us anyway. So we went to the library, all 6 of us and pulled one corner desk of four chairs, took 2 more chairs and started to study. At first, we were thinking let us all study a particular subject for 1 hour and we did. After the end of the first hour, we all understood the topic well and it was time to explain it to everybody.

Cole started explaining, however, in the end, everybody learned only what they already knew. After another hour of discussion and we finally learned what we already knew. We took 20 minutes off time to understand what we did and should we change it. We went to lunch and thought about, what is our goal?- To cover multiple topics in a short time, then George and Stephen came up with the idea of everybody should study different topics. If Matt was covering social science the I would cover science. So we all agreed on studying something else.


We went to the library, picked up 6 different subjects, and gave ourselves an hour and a half to work on it. Time was ticking and only 3 hours of school was left. 90 minutes later, we gathered around for discussion. This time it was better than before. We covered multiple topics in 90 minutes and the discussion only took 60 minutes, so we were left with 30 minutes to school and we roamed around the court. As soon as I was near the court my legs were already on toes to grab and hit the ball, however, the word that I gave mom had to be kept. Actually, I saw it as a challenge, which I had to overcome; the bell rang and we left for home.

Touched home by 5 pm. mom was standing right on the door and expecting something of me and I didn't know what. It came out at the dinner table," I heard you were around court this evening, Coach Barton said ". I was surprised, however, I learned it from the game that never shows emotions on the face. I replied, " Yes (calmly) " and kept eating. Mom pressed on it, " No ball till... " and I continued " till the exams get over ". I kept my promise (a little louder).

Dad: Son, you are the leader of the team, isn't it?

Me: Yes

Dad: Would you yell at your team, if you get angry or frustrated over something?

Me: Why... of course not

Dad: Then is our team, and no yelling or getting angry because when you are angry you are not thinking.

Me: (Makes sense) Wha... okay

( and I said to mom and I thought how can I learn this stuff? Being calm, and relaxed when someone is making you angry )

After dinner, I went into my room, drew all the jumpers, passing patterns, and wrote the schedule for the next day, and slept.

Life Lesson: Learn to do more in less time.

Here's a quick recap of Episode 17 under 15 seconds-
